Training Buddies

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Search Training Buddies

Tricep Dip
Offering a decreasing bar, this station can be used by anyone of any size, providing a comfortable distance to suit any frame.
Perform the perfect squat with this Training Buddy and master your technique to work your gluteus and quadriceps muscles.
This station allows the user to adopt a variety of stances, whether they like to hold their arms across their body or beside their head, allowing a gr...
Shoulder Press
A variety of grips and an adaptable weight system allows users of different abilities to quickly adapt the Training Buddy for their perfect workout.
Underarm or overarm grip can be applied to work and tone different muscles in the shoulders, back and arms.
Great for toning your upper body and improving strength, the Press Up Training Buddy will help you get through the tough sets.
The Lunge is great toning exercise for the gluteus, quadriceps and hamstring muscles and this Training Buddy helps you to mirror the perfect technique...
Horizontal Pull-up
The long bar allows for multiple grips to be used, giving a full workout of all muscles and providing a proper fit for all users.
Tricep Dip
Offering a decreasing bar, this station can be used by anyone of any size, providing a comfortable distance to suit any frame.
Perform the perfect squat with this Training Buddy and master your technique to work your gluteus and quadriceps muscles.
This station allows the user to adopt a variety of stances, whether they like to hold their arms across their body or beside their head, allowing a gr...
Shoulder Press
A variety of grips and an adaptable weight system allows users of different abilities to quickly adapt the Training Buddy for their perfect workout.
Underarm or overarm grip can be applied to work and tone different muscles in the shoulders, back and arms.
Great for toning your upper body and improving strength, the Press Up Training Buddy will help you get through the tough sets.
The Lunge is great toning exercise for the gluteus, quadriceps and hamstring muscles and this Training Buddy helps you to mirror the perfect technique...
Horizontal Pull-up
The long bar allows for multiple grips to be used, giving a full workout of all muscles and providing a proper fit for all users.

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